Friday, June 15, 2007

The Windy City

We took our first family vacation with my daughter and nephew up to Chicago for a weekend. I learned quickly that when having a child they dictate how the day will go, no more night clubs and vintage clothes shopping for me.

We went to Millennium Park the first day and I was blown away with the impressive sculptures. The Crown Fountain (shown in a photo below) has interactive moving faces that occasionally spit out water from their mouths-too cool! And the Kapoor Sculpture is a large egg like mirrored sculpture that reflects the city skyline and the crowds of people that surround it. Afterwards we went to the Art Institute (my second favorite American museum next to MOMA). Taking a 3 month old baby and a 2 year old to an Art Museum has its challenges. Although I did get through almost half of the museum with Ria (okay, so she passed out right after the modern section, impressionism just didn't hold her interest). People got a kick out of her cooing sounds that she made while looking at the paintings, what can I say she has good taste!

The second day was a little more child friendly with a visit to the Children's Museum at the pier followed by a great lunch and Cold Stone.

Here are a few of the pics from our trip!

The inside of the Kapoor Sculpture.
My mom, the artist, posing with the city. You can see me taking the photo in the far left.

Georgia O'Keefe's Sky Above the Clouds
Ria loves Matisse, one of her favorite books is A Magical Day with Matisse by Julie Merberg, second to Miles (Davis) the Crocodile (at least that is what her daddy says).
Ria's first train ride!

My sister-in-law with my niece Maggie, due in September. I can't wait!!!

We forgot her bath, the sink was the perfect size.

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